Nadi Astrology

Nadi Astrology is a sacred science that is used in southern India that reveals the present, future and the past of the destined human race through the written text in palm leaves written by Hindu 18 sages/Siddhas Agasthiyar, Idaikadar, Sattai Nathar, Pathanjali, Konganar, Kuthambai Sithar, Kamalamuni, Vanmikar, Pambatti Sithar, Sundharanadar, Sivavakkiyar, Karuvurar, Thanvanthiri, Macha Muni, Korakkar, Boghar, Thirumular, Ramathevar.
They were possessed of 8 powers such as Anima, Mahima, Lahima, Karima, Prapthy, Pragashiyam, Eshathuvam, Vashithuvam. By using these powers, they could be able to discern about the future through their spiritual wisdom (Gyan) and logged these visions i.e. information on palm leaves written with Tamil script.
Nadi leaves of a person’s location is by the thumb impression (Right thumb impression for men and Left thumb impressions for females). There are twelve Zodiac signs, and they are classified into three distinct categories: Movable (Chara) fixed (Sthira) as well as the Dual (Dvisvabhava) indications. There are 150 Nadis within a sign, and each sign represents 30 degrees in the zodiac, 360 degrees. There are 1800 Nadis with 360 degrees